Wednesday, 30 April 2014


It can become very difficult to stay motivated and inspired to exercise once the chilly weather sets in. Even though it isn't yet winter, I have begun to notice people preparing for hibernation. A mentality sets in that because you are going to be wearing clothes that cover your body during winter, it doesn't matter if you gain a little weight. It won't hurt you as you'll make a plan to lose it again when summer rolls back around. One very apparent thing I have learnt working in the fitness industry is that it becomes harder and harder to lose the weight you put on as you age. And gaining unnecessary weight will actually hurt you. It will hurt your self esteem, it will injure your confidence and it will potentially have a negative impact on your health. So this winter try to take as good a care of your body as you would in the warmer months. Here's a few things that motivate me to keep exercising and moving in winter: 

1. The humid heat is gone.
Whilst I do like the heat of summer, I don't particularly like exercising outdoors during the super humid months, as the heat can really tire me out. As soon as the nights and mornings became a little cooler the past few weeks, I have been out running, walking and doing circuit training outside. I relish this time of year and actually look forward to it as I can do exercise outside without sweating profusely, getting burnt and looking like a red tomato. There's nothing more exhilarating than exercising outside with the cool, refreshing wind on your face. 

2. Spring & summer will be back before you know it. 
There seems to be only a few weeks during the Brisbane winter that we can don our scarfs, jumpers, jeans and boots and really cover up. After this, the warmth sets in again and the shorts, singlet tops and togs return. If you have slackened off during winter and stopped exercising or drastically decreased your fitness regime, you will notice how much tighter and how uncomfortable your summer clothes have gotten. And you will have to work really hard to work off that winter weight, with no guarantee that it will come off as easily as it went on (it never does)! Try to strive to keep your exercise routine constant throughout all seasons, as this will keep your weight relatively consistent and will result in you being excited for spring and summer, not terribly scared and embarrassed to bare your body at the beach. 

3. Your body still need endorphins during winter.
Endorphins are the body's natural 'high' or 'feel good' chemicals as they boost your mood naturally. Exercise is one of the very best ways to increase the amount of endorphins in your body and decrease the stress hormones, such as cortisol. Exercise also releases serotonin, dopamine and adrenaline, which work together with endorphins to produce feelings of euphoria. Endorphins are basically a hormone-like substance that are made in the brain and are the body's natural painkillers. These happy hormones are so powerful, they can mask pain and assist in reducing mild depression. There's no better (or cheaper) way to feel happier and improve your mood than with 30 minutes of exercise. 

4. Your health does not hibernate in winter.
When you stop exercising, your health suffers. Regular physical activity has numerous health benefits, including reducing the risk of developing:
- heart disease,
- a stroke, 
- arthritis,
- high blood pressure,
- diabetes,
- cancer, 
- depression & anxiety
 and of dying prematurely. 
Exercise also creates and maintains healthily bones, muscles and joints which greatly reduces our risk of injury, particularly as we age. Physical activity is also extremely important for our psychological well-being (see point 3). 

5. You need exercise to achieve your ideal body. 
Almost every single client joins our Pilates studio to become stronger, leaner and more toned. Exercise is the only way to achieve this! Yes, eating healthily is a huge factor involved in maintaining a healthy weight, however you will not have defined muscles and you will not feel strong without regular exercise. Find a type of exercise that you love and feel good about yourself whilst doing and make an exercise schedule in advance. I do this before every week starts; I look at my week and see when I can fit in Pilates, Yoga, a run, a few walks and a swim. If not for this planning, I probably wouldn't do half as much exercise as I do. If you have a regular fitness instructor / trainer, tell them what you want to achieve and be very clear and specific about your goals. Let your fitness instructor push you and challenge your body, as only then will you start to see the results. 

Keep moving this winter!!! 

If you would like to keep moving with Pilates, call Premium Pilates Studio today on 0402 680 724 or visit us online at to enquire. 

x Emily 

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