Tuesday, 13 May 2014


As we approach the beginning of winter, sniffles, colds, coughs, viruses and the dreaded flu are still all around us. There's always so much talk about what you should eat in winter that it is natural to feel a little confused and overwhelmed over all the super foods that people tell you to eat. Below is a list of ten vitamin & mineral rich winter foods for you to incorporate into your diet. 

Broccoli - exceptionally high in antioxidants.

  1. Carrots - full of the antioxidant beta carotene.
  2. Red capsicum - massive hit of vitamin C.
  3. Kiwifruit - just one contains your entire daily requirement of vitamin C.
  4. Oranges - just one contains your entire daily requirement of vitamin C.
  5. Green tea - powerful antioxidant.
  6. Mushrooms - rich source of antioxidants.
  7. Lean beef - rich in zinc.
  8. Oysters - exceptionally high in zinc and iodine.
  9. Berries - packed with antioxidants and hardly any kilojoules.

These 10 foods are vital for your immune system to function properly. As you Âcan see,vitamin C is essential to fighting colds and coughs and is present in red capsicum, kiwifruit and oranges. However, not many people struggle with consuming enough vitamin C a day. We usually go overboard on the vitamin C and ignore a very important mineral; zinc. 

Many people, particularly women and children, suffer from a low intake of zinc. Foods rich in zinc include red meat, seafood, wholegrain bread, nuts and fortified breakfast cereals (cereal that has had vitamins & minerals added to it in the production stage). 

Adults require 8-12 milligrams of zinc a day, half of which can be found in a palm-sized piece of lean red meat. Surprisingly one little oyster contains almost your entire daily requirement of zinc. Once you know you are satisfying your daily intake of zinc, you can move onto the really colourful foods; fruit and vegetables! 

    Fruit & vegetables are full of numerous antioxidants, including our good friend vitamin C, which assists in protecting our cells from infection. I absolutely love this next fact; the brighter the fruit and vegetable, the better it is for you! Therefore, stock up on beetroot, broccoli, green beans, oranges, pumpkin, red cabbage, red capsicum and sweet potato and use them in smoothies & juices or in casseroles, stir-fries or soups. 

    The one thing that most of us fail at in winter is keeping our fluids up. The air is brisk, the wind is chilly and we just do not feel like drinking water. We desperately need to! Dehydration not only exacerbates our cough and flu symptoms but it is also horrible for our digestion. If you cannot face icy cold water in winter, don't put your water in the fridge! Or drink Green Tea Hawaii, a delicious green tea and noni energising drink that can be purchased at alohahealth.com.au. One sachet of green tea hawaii contains an enormous amount of antioxidants; in fact, to get the same antioxidant value from regular green tea, you would need to drink 45 cups!  If all you crave in winter is hot drinks, get into hot green tea or warm water with a slice of lemon. 

    Wishing you all a warm and toasty winter! Stay healthy with these 10 top winter foods and keep drinking! 

    x Emily 

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