Monday, 2 June 2014


Actress Demi Moore recently revealed that her amazingly toned 51 year-old body would not look the way it does today without regular Pilates & Yoga classes and healthy eating. Moore's age-defying slender physique has been maintained since she stepped out in 2013 with a very toned figure for her comeback role in Charlie's Angels (see above). Demi reveals that she has been doing consistent Pilates and Yoga classes for the past several years, as well as following a strict eating plan, which keeps her body looking like that of a very fit 20 year-old. 

Moore eats a mostly raw and vegan diet that consists of vegetables, fruits, green juices, smoothies and soups. Some sources say that a raw diet has been proven to slow down the ageing process. Pilates is also a fabulous anti-ageing workout, as it builds lean & toned muscles, decreases stress and provides one with enhanced core strength. 

The taut actress admits that she used to be obsessed with being skinny and would punish herself with daily workouts of running 6 miles (almost 10 kilometres) , lifting weights and cycling. Demi reveals that her body actually became slimmer and more toned when she reduced her intense cardio workouts during her 40s and took up low-impact exercise regimes Pilates & Yoga. 

Moore reveals in a candid interview with Harper's Bazaar that she had "a love-hate relationship" with her body for many years. "I had an extreme obsession with my body," Demi recalls. "I made it a measure of my own value. I tried to dominate it, which I did, and I changed it multiple times over. But it never lasted, and ultimately it didn't bring me anything but temporary happiness."

Nowadays, Moore has a much healthier relationship with her 50 plus body. "I sit today in a place of greater acceptance of my body. And that includes not just my weight, but all of the things that come with your changing body as you age. I find peace when I don't see my body as my enemy, when I step back and have appreciation and look at all that my body has done for me." We are so glad to hear this positive attitude and hope that all ladies who read this can take something away from this. 

Sick of doing high intensity workouts and not toning up? Want to work on building lean, strong and taut muscles? Call Premium Pilates Studio today on 0402 680 724 or visit us online at!  

x Emily 

Photos & content adapted from,, 

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