Sunday, 28 September 2014


Actress Kerry Washington has Pilates and a Paleo-style eating plan to thank for her slim post-baby body. Since giving birth to her second baby, daughter Isabelle, in April this year Kerry has worked very hard to get back to her previous trim physique. The 36-year-old's trainer Nonna Gleyzer sat down with Shape magazine recently to reveal Washington's exercise and health secrets. 

Gleyzer has trained Kerry for more than five years and is extremely proud of the 'Scandal' stars' amazingly toned body. Washington does regular Pilates workouts with Nonna that focus on all over toning and strengthening. Glezyer is a personal trainer for several celebrities and raves about the benefits of Pilates. "You will stand up so straight and tall, so lean and beautiful. With stronger lower abs, you aren’t compensating with your neck. Whenever you see my celebs on the red carpet—just like Kerry—they walk so gracefully, their shoulders are back… that’s what makes a sexy walk, and that’s what my training does."

Nonna also uses Pilates exercises to work on Kerry's upper body. Gleyzer focuses on working Kerry's deltoids (shoulders), triceps (back of the upper arm), upper back muscles and the muscles around the waist. "I like women to look like natural women; they look sexy and slim but not necessarily like they pump iron at the gym. They are hard working yet elegant figures. That’s what Kerry is to me—hard working yet elegant, gentle and feminine yet so very strong. A total woman!"

Kerry is extremely private about most of her personal life, however she is very chatty about her health and fitness routine, especially post-baby. Washington follows a low carb Paleo-style eating plan and loves drinking coconut water, as it supplies her body with potassium and electrolytes. She tries to eat mainly lean proteins and vegetables and does not overindulge with her food. Kerry is a dedicated and very hard worker and her health & fitness regime reflects this. As Washington's trainer says: "She needs to be in the best shape every single day, and she definitely is!". 

Recently had a baby and want to tone up and trim down? Want to work your muscles without bulking them like Kerry does? Call Premium Pilates Studio today on 0402 680 724, email us at or visit us online at for more information. 

x The Premium Pilates Team 

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