Wednesday, 12 November 2014


Stunning actress Lucy Lui has many layers: besides her versatile acting career, she is a passionate human-rights advocate, artist and author as well as being a raving fan of Pilates, meditation and regular naps! The fit 45-year-old opens up about her health and fitness secrets to the LA Times recently. 

In this recent interview Lucy Lui revealed that she has been a fan of Pilates for several years. "Pilates is great for posture. When you first do Pilates, you don't feel anything and don't know that anything is happening. As you continue, it really strengthens from the inside out. I like using a reformer [a Pilates exercise machine]... as the counterweight keeps me engaged." In addition to Pilates, the toned star likes to fit spinning and running into her weekly exercise routine. This mix of different types of exercise has given her a body that most woman half Lucy's age would envy! 

Lui likes to enjoy all foods in moderation and admits that she exercises to eat! "Give yourself treats occasionally, depending on how much you have exercised. If you cut things out of your diet altogether, you will want those foods more and end up bingeing." 

Another reason that Lucy Lui looks so incredibly good for her age is meditation. The movie star admits that she stumbled across meditation by accident. "Deepak Chopra wrote an introduction to an art book I wrote, and he asked me if I wanted to learn meditation from him. I said, "Absolutely." Since learning how to mediate three years ago, Lui has become a huge fan. " Meditation is very calming. Giving yourself time every morning and evening to sit and regroup is important." 

And lets not forget the frequent napping! "When I'm working, I get five to six hours (sleep). Not enough. At lunchtime, if I can I'll take a 10- to 15-minute nap. Sometimes it is not about falling asleep but having a rest and putting your feet up. I think having blood flow a different direction is a good thing for your body and brain." 

Want to improve your posture and lean out your body with Pilates like Lucy Lui? Call Premium Pilates Studio today on 0402 680 724, email or visit us online at We offer a wide range of Pilates classes, including Reformer, Matwork and Barre classes! 

From the PPS team! 

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