Sunday, 18 January 2015



Recently we at the studio have noticed that several of our clients are tightening up over the colder months. When the temperature drops hip flexors, hamstrings, gluts and calves all seen to seize up. We know you all know that stretching is important and should be a part of your daily routine, but have you ever wondered why exactly? Here's the lowdown on why we keep harping on about stretching and why it is essential for a healthy body:

Benefits of Stretching: 

1. Improves your performance in physical activities by enhancing your muscular co-ordination,
2. Allows your muscles to work as effectively as possible by reducing tension,
3. Improves circulation by increasing the flow of blood and supply of nutrients to the muscles,
4. Increases energy levels (resulting from increased circulation),
5. Reduces stress, as stretching relaxes tense muscles accompanied with stress, 
6. Lowers your risk of injury by assisting the joints to move through their full range of motion,
7. Improves your posture by preventing your muscles from getting tight, 
8. Reduces lower back pain, by improving the range of motion and flexibility of the hamstrings and muscles of the hips and pelvis to decrease the pressure on your spine that leads to lower back pain,
9. Assists in enhancing cardiovascular health, as stretching improves artery function and lowers blood pressure, 
10. Increases flexibility, which is the degree to which an individual muscle can lengthen. Lack of flexibility results in slow and less fluid movements, which makes one more vulnerable to muscle strains, ligament sprains and other injuries, and
11. It gives you a greater sense of well-being! This is because stretching is an exercise and is therefore it an endorphin-boosting activity that improves your mood. 

If you know that you cannot stretch at home unsupervised, we have a solution!! Premium Pilates studio is now offering a STRETCH CLASS! Commencing this Saturday the 24th of January from 8:30-9:15am, this class will be available every Saturday ongoing. And if you really love the class we are open to adding MORE timeslots! All you have to do is click here to book online if you are a first timer to the studio, call 0402 680 724, email or book at the studio or by accessing your own personal online account if you are already a member of the studio! 

And for those that cannot make the Saturday stretch class we have included four must do stretches below: 

 Calf stretch

Stand normally, then take a step forward with one leg into a lunge. Use a wall or something sturdy to place your hands if you need assistance balancing. Keep the back foot flat on the floor as you transfer the weight onto the front leg. You should feel a stretch in the calf of the back leg. Hold for a minimum of 30 seconds, then swap legs. Repeat whenever you find yourself standing throughout the day! 

Hip flexor stretch

·     Start kneeling on both knees, legs hip distance apart (if knees are sensitive place a towel folded up once or twice underneath the knee or fold your mat over). Bend your left leg to 90 degrees, placing the sole of the foot on the floor in front, left ankle in line with the left knee. Pelvis and hips square to the front. Think of tucking the pubic bone up towards the belly button and tucking the bottom under, flattening out the back. Exhale and try to tuck pelvis under a little more. Hold for a minimum of 30 seconds, and then change legs. Repeat 2-3 times a day. 

Glut stretch supine

 Lying on back, knees bent to 45 degrees and feet hip distance apart. Cross the left ankle over the right knee and think of keeping the left knee wide. If you need more of a stretch, hold onto the back of the right knee with both hands and draw the right knee towards the chest, whilst keeping the tailbone on the floor. Head relaxed on the floor if you can, otherwise chin tucked in, shoulders away from ears. Hold for a minimum of 30 seconds then swap sides. Repeat 2 x a day. 

Hamstring stretch

 Lying on back, knees bent to 45 degrees and feet hip distance apart. Place the hands behind one knee, shin or ankle depending on your flexibility and try to straighten the leg up towards the ceiling, keeping the tailbone on the floor. (If you have a Pilates circle or a towel you can do this stretch assisted, like Emily is showing in the photo above). Keep a neutral spine with the tailbone on the floor as you try to straighten the back of the knee of the leg you are stretching. To may the stretch more intense, extend the free leg along the floor. Hold for a minimum of 30 seconds then swap legs. Repeat 2 x a day. 

x the Premium Pilates team! 

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