Tuesday, 25 August 2015


Scandal actress Kerry Washington's toned and trim post-baby physique is up front and centre in the September cover of Self magazine, all thanks to her regular Pilates sessions! The 38-year-old opens up about motherhood, finding a work-life balance, why she didn't pressure herself to lose her post-baby weight and most importantly, why Pilates is her favourite form of exercise. 

Washington has been a raving Pilates fan for the past 10 years. The actress reveals that her love of Pilates came about due to an injury. "I got really injured while I was training and I needed to find a way to work out that was both rehabilitating and challenging for me physically so I could still stay in shape, and Pilates was the answer to all of my questions." 

As Kerry has to wear high heels during most of the filming of her TV show Scandal, she needs to perform low-impact exercises, like Pilates, so that she does not put further pressure on her knees. In addition to Pilates, the taut actress also dapples in the stability ball, strength training, interval training, squats, lunges, running, dancing and hiking! Pilates is her most consistent form of exercise however. “With Pilates, I get to bring my true self. I get to go: How can I take care of myself and push myself past my comfort zone?” 

Kerry is in wonderful shape, however it is not without a lot of hard work! The proud mother of 17-month-old daughter Isabella does Pilates five days a week, for one hour each session! You can see the amazing results Washington has been reaping however, as she had incredibly toned inner thighs, arms, abs and gluts! 

Whilst Kerry dedicates herself to fitness, she is quick to point out that her family is number one. “I try to get it my (exercise) in very early in the morning so I can be back with my kid early”. She has even converted half of her dressing room into a gym! 

Want to find a form of exercise that you can do everyday? Eager to get back into shape after winter? Call Premium Pilates Studio today on 0402 680 724, email us at inquiries@premiumpilatesstudio.com or visit us online at premiumpilatesstudio.com. 

Images by http://madamenoire.com/,  http://assets-s3.usmagazine.com/, http://news-entertainment.net/, http://www.hollywoodtake.com. 

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