Saturday, 19 September 2015


It's hard to not become totally and completely lost with all the new energy & weight-loss drinks on the market right now. What's deemed as healthy and good for you one day may be criticised tomorrow. The instructors at Premium Pilates Studio work hard at staying healthy and fit; we eat wholesome foods, we exercise a lot (namely Pilates, big surprise there!) and we drink Green Tea Hawaii. We are not here to force products on you, we just want to tell you why we endorse this product and why it works for us. 

So what exactly is Green Tea Hawaii? You may have seen our display in the studio near the front desk or have glimpsed the instructors and several clients sipping from water bottles with bright coloured liquids in them. Green Tea Hawaii is a highly concentrated form of green tea and noni fruit. One serving of Green Tea Hawaii (a single sachet mixed with water) contains as many as antioxidants as 45 cups of regular green tea and a daily serving of noni juice! It sounds a little too good to be true, doesn't it? Lets delve deeper: 

What exactly is in Green tea and in Green Tea Hawaii: 

Green tea is made from the leaves and leaf buds of the Camelia sinensis plant that have undergone marginal oxidation during processing. The leaves are steamed promptly after being picked so that the EGCG compound in green tea is not destroyed. This compound is what provides green tea with its rich source of antioxidants. Studies have revealed that EGCG is approximately 100 times more powerful that Vitamin C and 25 times more potent that Vitamin E in antioxidant power. 

Green tea first came into existence in China and is the most popular and widely consumed beverage in the world after water. Over the past several years green tea has undergone numerous scientific studies to determine its extensive health benefits, which will be discussed shortly. 

Green Tea Hawaii also contains noni fruit which comes from a small, tropical evergreen tree. This fruit is grown abundantly in Polynesia and is conventionally used to treat several maladies and conditions. Noni fruit has been proven to lower cholesterol as well as lower blood pressure. In addition, studies have shown that noni contains antioxidant, immune-boosting and tumour-fighting properties. 

Green Tea Hawaii does contain a marginal amount of sweeteners. Certain flavours of Green Tea Hawaii contain xylitol, which is a natural sugar found and extracted from birch trees, corn fibre, plums and raspberries. It has a low GI and contains half the energy of sucrose. Being a natural sweetener xylitol contains its own health benefits, including the prevention of tooth decay and the invigoration of growth of probiotic bacteria in the small intestine. Certain flavours of Green Tea Hawaii contain sucralose, which is 600 times sweeter than sugar but only contains one fifth of the energy of sugar. Sucralose has a very low GI which makes its a very suitable weight-loss & health drink for diabetics. 

The breakdown of what each sachet / a single serving contains: 

  • 45 cups of Green Tea (450mg of antioxidants)
  • only 60mg of caffeine (approx 1/3 of the caffeine in coffee)
  • less than 1/2 a gram of sugar
  •  daily serving of Noni
  • Gluten-free and
  • Aspartame free

Health Benefits: 

There are over 200 health benefits of Green Tea and Green Tea Hawaii! Below I have listed the benefits that I believe most appeal to us at the studio who consume this product on a consistent basis: 

  • Increased metabolism
  • Burns fat for weight loss
  • Boosts the immune system
  • Decreases the appetite by 20%
  • Reduces muscle damage
  • Increases (healthy) energy
  • Reduces stress & anxiety
  • Lowers bad cholesterol
  • Lowers high blood pressure 
  • Stabilises low blood pressure
  • Regulates blood sugar
  • Decreases inflammation
  • Is safe for diabetics
  • Regulates blood sugar 
  • Assists in fighting cancer cells
  • Improved skin, nail and hair health 
and so many more! 

Why Green Tea Hawaii is in a powered form:

Recent studies have shown that the absorption rate of drinking instant powdered supplements far out performs the equivalent in a pill form of the exact same supplement. This is due to the bio-availability of the supplement through water.

Why is Green Tea Hawaii not bottled? Here's why: every antioxidant, mineral and/or mineral has a shelf-life. This means that once a supplement is absorbed into water it's potency and health benefits start to lessen almost instantly. The vast majority of antioxidants will began to deteriorate within three hours of hitting water, which therefore diminishes the performance of the supplement. Therefore, powered drinks were chosen as the Green Tea Hawaii medium due to the improved absorption rates over pills and being more powerful than bottled drinks. Making Green Tea Hawaii in a powered form allows for a higher quality product that is fresher and more effective than other similar products on the market today. 

The instructors and their story with Green Tea Hawaii: 

Emily first tried Green Tea Hawaii over three years ago and immediately noticed increased energy as well as improvement to her skin health and weight loss around her stomach. She drinks Green Tea Hawaii whenever she has a sugar craving (which is often!) and finds that this drink subsides her cravings as well as her appetite for sweet things. Emily used to consume around 3 cups of coffee a day but gave up coffee several months ago, as she believes that Green Tea Hawaii provides her with much more energy and greater benefits!   

Chris got hooked on Green Tea Hawaii when Emily did and often likes to mix 2 sachets together after a tough Pilates or bike riding workout. He has noticed weight loss around his stomach as well as increased energy. Chris also swears by Green Tea Hawaii for assistance with those terrible symptoms one feels after a casual night out drinking! 

Jess loves Green Tea Hawaii and grabs a sachet whenever she feels a little devoid of energy. She loves the taste of the flavours and the boost the drink gives her! 

Premium Pilates studio believes in Green Tea Hawaii so much that they give out complimentary samples in each Introductory pack! Come try some Green Tea Hawaii today by stopping by the studio and/or grabbing one before or after a workout. Green Tea Hawaii can be purchased at Premium Pilates Studio for $2 per single sachet or $70 for a box of 60 (thats just $1.17 a single sachet!). And the more green tea boxes you buy the cheaper the single sachet price becomes! There are several flavours to satisfy all tastebuds, including Original,  Raspberry Lemonade & Pineapple Strawberry. 

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