Sunday, 8 November 2015


Below are five simple abdominal exercises to get your abs ready for the beach! These exercises must be performed at least once a week or daily for best results. Unroll your mat and have a go! Have a read through each exercise and watch the video to make sure that your movements look similar and that your technique is spot-on as you need to do each exercise correctly to achieve results! Enjoy this complimentary Premium Pilates Home Workout! 

1. Abdominal Curl 

Setup: Spine imprinted (pubic bone slightly tucked up towards the belly whilst the bottom stays on the floor as the spinal vertebrae 'imprints' itself gently down into the mat), legs in tabletop, legs squeezed together. Hands interlaced behind head, head heavy in hands, chin tucked and neck long. 

The Move: Inhale through the nose to prepare, tightening the core. Exhale through the mouth, using the abs to curl the head, neck and shoulders off the mat, keeping the bottom of the shoulder blades on the mat. Inhale to lower down with control, exhale repeat.

How many: 15 - 20 reps 

Focus on: 
-  the elbows staying wide.
- the chin tucks in, eye gaze is at your thighs.
- curling the ribs towards the hips, really using the abs, not the neck to curl.
- legs stay squeezed together, working the inner thighs. 

1. Extend the legs up to the ceiling or out at a 45 degree angle for more of a challenge (this is shown in the 3rd photo). 
2. Hold the curl for an extra breath, that is, exhale curl up, inhale hold, exhale curl up a little bit more and inhale to lower. 

2. Reverse Curl 

Setup: Spine imprinted (pubic bone slightly tucked up towards the belly whilst the bottom stays on the floor as the spinal vertebrae 'imprints' itself gently down into the mat), legs in tabletop, legs squeezed together. Arms by the side or on your stomach, chin tucked and neck long. 

The Move: Inhale through the nose to prepare, deepening the core. Exhale through the mouth, posteriorly tucking the pelvis up towards the belly; that is, using the deep abs to lightly lift the bottom off the mat. Inhale to lower the bottom back down, exhale to repeat. 

How many: 10 - 15 reps. 

Focus on: 
- Using the abs to tuck the pelvis, not the legs.
- Using the exhale to really scoop the abs and draw the knees towards the chest. 
- Not relying on momentum to perform the exercise. The curls should be very small and controlled, no jerky movements. 
- Legs stay squeezed together, working the inner thighs.

Extend the legs up to the ceiling, keeping the legs squeezed together and perform the same movement with straight legs. 

3. Toe Taps 

Setup: Spine imprinted (pubic bone slightly tucked up towards the belly whilst the bottom stays on the floor as the spinal vertebrae 'imprints' itself gently down into the mat), legs in tabletop, legs squeezed together. Arms by the side or on your stomach, chin tucked and neck long. 

The Move: Inhale through the nose to prepare, scooping the belly. Exhale through the mouth as you lower 1 foot towards the floor, keeping the leg bent. Aim to take the toes as low as you can towards the floor, almost or actually 'tapping' the floor with the toes, without feeling any pain in the lower back. Aim to keep the spine as imprinted as you can. Inhale to return the leg to tabletop, exhale to repeat on the other side. 

How many: 20 single, 10 on each leg or 15 double leg - see 3rd photo.

Focus on: 
- Drawing the abs in with every exhale, as your spine will want to arch as you tap the foot down
- Keeping the shoulders relaxed, shoulder blades on the floor, neck long, head stays down.
- Using the abs, not the legs, to lower the foot.

1. Tap both feet towards the ground in a double leg tap - see 3rd photo. 
2. Tap the feet further away from the bottom. 

4. Bicycle Legs 

Setup: Spine imprinted (pubic bone slightly tucked up towards the belly whilst the bottom stays on the floor as the spinal vertebrae 'imprints' itself gently down into the mat), legs in tabletop, legs squeezed together. Arms by the side or on your stomach, chin tucked and neck long. 

The Move: Inhale through the nose to prepare, drawing the navel to the spine. Exhale through the mouth as you curl the head, neck and shoulders off the mat, reaching the fingers towards the feet. Inhale hold, deepening the abs. Exhale to extend one leg out long, pointing through the toes, keeping the other leg in tabletop. Inhale both legs meet in tabletop, exhale to extend the alternate leg. 

How many: 30 single, 15 on each leg.

Focus on: 
- Using the abs to hold your body in the curl: NB: if the neck becomes tired, place 1 or 2 hands behind it (like in abdominal curl above) or place the head back on the floor and continue the exercise. 
- Using the abs, not the legs, to extend each leg. 
- Keeping the head, neck and shoulders relaxed.
- Keep the hips completely still. 

1. Extend the leg out lower, without arching the lower back.
2. Swap the legs faster, without losing control.

5. Beats

Setup: Spine imprinted (pubic bone slightly tucked up towards the belly whilst the bottom stays on the floor as the spinal vertebrae 'imprints' itself gently down into the mat), legs in tabletop, legs squeezed together. Arms by the side or on your stomach, chin tucked and neck long. 

The Move: Inhale through the nose to prepare, drawing the navel to the spine. Exhale through the mouth as you curl the head, neck and shoulders off the mat, reaching the fingers towards the feet. Inhale to open the feet to around hip distance apart or slightly wider, exhale to use the abs to bring the heels together to touch / beat. Continue. 

How many: 3 sets of 10 - 15 beats. After each set lower back into tabletop and lower your head for a quick rest. If you do not need a rest, try to do the 30-45 beats without stopping! 

Focus on: 
- Using the abs to hold your body in the curl: NB: if the neck becomes tired, place 1 or 2 hands behind it (like in abdominal curl above) or place the head back on the floor and continue the exercise. 
- Using the abs, not the legs, to beat the heels together.
- Keeping the head, neck and shoulders relaxed.
- Think of drawing the hip bones towards each other as you bring the heels together to touch.

1. See under the 'How Many' category for one harder modification. 
2. Open the legs wider as your inhale, without moving the hips, arching the lower back or losing the core connection. 
3. Take the legs lower, such as a 45 degree angle. 

x The PPS team! 


  1. This is awesome! I'll share this with my blog as well. ��

  2. This is awesome! I'll share this with my blog as well. ��
