Monday, 18 July 2016


Our first Transformation Tuesday story was such a hit that we knew we were onto a good thing! Today we focus on Andrea, a very enthusiastic and loveable client of ours that we have had the pleasure of teaching for over the past three and a half years. 

Andrea's Pilates transformation has been and will continue to be limitless. After Andrea's introductory class with us, Chris and I were both very unsure that she would come back (read below as to why!). However Andrea proved us both wrong by returning and since starting Pilates she has changed her lifestyle in drastic ways. 

Gone are the fast food fatty meals; these days Andrea is more likely to be found eating a healthy vegetarian meal. Andrea has removed all processed sugar from her diet and prefers to eat clean. Aside from dramatically improving her eating habits, Andrea's exercise regime has radically changed. For someone who used to consider 'walking from the couch to the fridge to the larder' as exercise, this woman has come a LONG way! Andrea currently attends between four and six Pilates classes a week (2-3 barre, 2 matwork, 1 stretch class). What an incredible fitness transformation! 

The physical transformation that Andrea has and continues to experience cannot be left unsaid. I would like to bring the focus away from kilograms lost and instead on the several dress sizes that Andrea has dropped over the past years. Nothing makes me happier than when Andrea walk's into the studio and tells me that she went dress shopping and was able to fit into a dress she never thought she could of! You do not often see a client continue to tone up and lean down after three years of the same exercise regime. I think Andrea's secret to success is that she is always intent on getting the technique of every exercise 100% right. She is never afraid to ask her instructor questions if she is not feeling a move in the correct muscle or to do extra repetitions if she feels like she hasn't grasped the technique fully. Sorry for spilling your secret Miss Andrea! Have a look below to read more about Andrea's amazing transformation, in her own words. 

What prompted you to start Pilates back in early 2013? 

January sales….. Yep the dreaded trying on of dresses that would not zip up at the back…. Quelle horreur!!! Obviously they were manufacturing off shore, surely that would explain why I could not fit into the clothes!

What was your exercise and eating regime before starting Pilates?

I will admit that I did have quite a high opinion of myself. I knew that I was a bit overweight but put it down to age, children leaving home, becoming a couch potato, and food, glorious food. All the foods that was not allowed in the house became the norm. Moving from the couch to fridge to the larder and a gentle stroll with the dog was the extent of my exercising regime, but I thought that was enough.

How did you feel after your first Pilates class?

I am sure that all beginners have heard about my intro class! Still in denial to the extent of my fitness, I pushed too hard and had a comeuppance (Andrea was a little sick after). Yep that was me. I felt the pain two days after the introductory class. I was been unable to lift my arms to drive the car, walk upstairs and just move without pain, pain, pain.

What has kept you so dedicated and motivated to continue Pilates for all these years?

Progress with me has been slow, however every time I master a Pilates move it is changed to be slightly harder and I have to strive to conquer the new and more challenging modification. Change in my body has been noticeable and every time that I think that I have peaked I see changes again. So the results speak for themselves. Am I as skinny as I was in my youth, where I went without food? No, but now I have a strong body that can carry me through my day without letting me down, and if I do say so myself my core is getting there. It has taken time, but life is a marathon, not a sprint.

How has Pilates improved your life?

 Self-esteem and courage. Sounds corny but I walk straighter, I sit without discomfort, I go shopping without dread, I can change more than one bed at a time without getting puffed. I have a brand new exercise wardrobe (I was too self-conscious to step into Lululemon and try clothes on before). I can look in the mirror and not hate myself.

The 'Red Rooster incident' has cured me of fast food (thank you Chris) (Co-owner and instructor Chris asked Andrea a few weeks after she had started Pilates what she was going to have for dinner. Andrea replied 'probably Red Rooster', to which Chris said; 'you are only allowed Red Rooster if you have skinless chicken breast!' Andrea was shocked and proceeded to ask; 'what about hot chips?' to which Chris answered very firmly; 'No!' We never heard Andrea mention eating fast food in front of us again!).

I am currently on a Paleo recharge, now I have detoxed sugar from my life and I feel even better than I have ever before. Would I have made all the changes to my lifestyle without Pilates? I think not. Pilates has totally revamped me and I could not be more grateful.

What advice would you give people who are just starting out at Pilates?

Just do it, as the saying goes. Try not to overdo it so that you keep coming back, because the difference will astound you and perseverance is the key to Pilates. Everyone should know that Pilates is not just stretching! It is a full body workout and you will hurt and you will sweat but it will be the beginning of a healthier version of you and you will not regret it. And finally to Chris and Emily who have gently guided me to bring out results that I thought were impossible. Thank You! Your vision has made my vision a reality!!!

It's all thanks to YOU and your hard work Andrea! Thank you so much for being a part of our Transformation Tuesday!

To find out more about our studio and how you can begin your own transformation, click here to visit, email or call 0402 680 724. 

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