Tuesday, 2 August 2016


Our Transformation Tuesday client, Deb, is a very special, fun loving and determined woman who has been with us since October 2013! 

Deb initially came to see us as she was suffering from a very sore lower back and tight upper back. Deb's first class was very low level, consisting of only a few abdominal exercises. I remember that Deb had great trouble holding her legs up in tabletop and that we moved very slowly through exercises. However she persevered and week by week Deb's core became stronger, her confidence on the Reformer grew and her technique improved considerably. Her exercises started to advance and the number of repetitions she could get through without having a break improved dramatically. Deb gets into tabletop with ease now; in fact, we often find her starting abdominal exercises of her own accord before we have begun the class! Getting her feet in the straps used to be very difficult for Deb (I've never told her this but I wrote a warning in Deb's notes after her second class that says 'do not let her get into the straps without assistance!!'), however nowadays she needs no help whatsoever. 

Deb's flexibility and posture have also improved substantially, which, paired with her strong core, have all factored into her pain free lower back. One of the bonus benefits that not just myself and Chris but her weekly classmates have noticed about Deb is how much her body has toned up from Pilates, particularly her little waist and slim arms! As Deb mentions below she may currently be a similar weight to when she started Pilates, however she looks several kilograms smaller, as the tone to her abs, arms, legs and bottom are very apparent! 

No matter what is going on in her life, Deb has made time to come to Pilates. Whenever we have to cancel Saturday classes or when Deb cannot attend her usual class, she approaches us weeks before to book in a make-up class. Deb's dedication and commitment to Pilates has been unwavering since October 2013. This is one of the main reasons why Deb's endurance, technique and strength have improved so much; because of her tenacity, her persistence and her perseverance

Fast forward to mid 2016, Deb can be found in her weekly Reformer class smashing out planking exercises, advanced movements and very tough and long butt-burning series! Deb's lower back pain is no more; in fact, we often forget that Deb ever suffered from lower back pain in the past, as she has strengthened her core so much that no exercises are off limits! She is an absolute joy to teach as she is so determined to try new exercises and to work hard, whilst also enjoying a laugh at the same time. When Deb's courage on the Reformer developed, she started to show us a hilariously funny and witty side of her. Deb, you make our Saturday's so much brighter and more enjoyable. We are so proud of you for stepping out of your comfort zone and trying Pilates almost three years ago and for sticking to it! You have come so far. We just adore you and are so happy to have you in our lives!  

Scroll down to read all about Deb's Pilates journey in her own words: 

What made you start Pilates back in October 2013?

I went to see a Physio regarding my back.  I had fallen down a couple of stairs (carrying my dog at the time) and hurt my back just below my waist.  The Physio suggested that I should try Pilates as this would help my back.  Also not long after getting married I had started to put on a lot of weight (which I swore I would never do) and then a few years later I lost all that weight.  I had become obsessed with walking but had got bored with that and wanted to try something new but didn’t know what.  Pilates was my answer.

Has Pilates helped your lower back pain?

It is amazing just how much Pilates has helped with my back pain.  I am a legal secretary so I am in a sedentary position for most of the day and by the end of the day, my back would be really hurting.  I also found it really painful getting into bed at night and out of bed in the morning.  Now the pain has absolutely gone and that is one of the main reasons for my continuing to attend Pilates classes.

How do you feel your body, mind and life has changed since starting Pilates?   

I certainly feel happier within myself about my body shape.  Just before I started Pilates, I was probably around about the same size and weight as I am now but I was really unhappy with my body tone.  As you get older, gravity, unfortunately, takes over.  I notice now that I am so much stronger because I now have muscles (as small as they may be).  I can now lift certain things that I would have had trouble with before and would then have a sore back.  Coming to a Pilates class is also great for your mind.  It is your time to do something for yourself and no one can take that away from you.  Everyone should have some down-time for themselves – you should always make time.

What has kept you so dedicated and motivated to continue Pilates for the past almost three years?

I can honestly say that I have never stuck to anything in my whole life for so long as I have with Pilates.  I have never been a work-out person but there is something therapeutic about Pilates.  To continuously see that your body is changing for the better gives you more confidence in yourself, it gives you the courage and determination to keep trying harder and more complex exercises and with perseverance you are able to achieve goals, even if they be small.  When I first started Pilates, I had great trouble even getting my feet in the straps as well as in the table top position.  Now it just seems to come naturally, well almost.

What is your favourite thing about your Pilates classes?

I absolutely love coming to classes because of the wonderful people I share my classes with each week.  They know who they are.  They give me the courage and confidence to continue working hard.  They are both an inspiration and I feel we have become great Pilates Pals. 

Of course I have to mention Em and Chris.  As I have already mentioned when I was seeing the Physio, he suggested that I should try out Pilates.  At the end of my session with him, he introduced me to Em who had just finished taking a class.  She was so warm and encouraging and gave me immediate confidence that she would be able to help me with my back pain and my overall fitness and toning.  That has not changed.  Both she and Chris are wonderful and talented people who love to share and help us all grow and achieve.  Thank you both.

Want to transformation your body and life like Deb and be pain-free? Call Premium Pilates Studio today on 0402 680 724, visit us online by clicking here or email us at inquiries@premiumpilatesstudio.com ! 

x PPS team 

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