Thursday, 3 November 2016


Actress Emma Stone looks stunning, slim and toned as the US November Vogue cover. The 28 year-old is not a big fan of exercise as she says; 'I hate lifting things (weights) over my head as it puts me in a bad mood!' but has found a love of Pilates, as it is easy on her joints and makes Emma feel strong. 

The glamorous actress is trained by famous Pilates instructor Mari Winsor, who trains her at her studio but has also taught Emma how to incorporate Pilates into her everyday fitness routine. Emma likes to do a morning Pilates session whenever she can. Winsor explains that this is how Stone has achieved such a lean figure. Emma revealed in a recent interview that 'I will only do workouts that I enjoy' and has been doing Pilates regularly for several years, which tells you something!

The beautiful actress is a huge fan of Pilates as it puts no pressure on her joints. Stone admits that she doesn't like running, as it feels bad for her knees and that she detests lifting weights! When training for the Spiderman movies a few years back Emma discovered that whenever she lifted weights over her head she became very angry! Besides regular Pilates, Stone enjoys rock climbing and tries to go to an indoor rock climbing studio whenever she travels. 

Healthy eating also plays a major factor in Emma's enviable physique. Stone famously said a few years ago: 

'I would be crazy to sit here and tell you that I have never thought about it (weight loss). But, I never can beat myself up about it. I definitely am not restrictive. You are a human being, you live once and life is wonderful, so eat the damn red velvet cupcake.'

Whilst Emma loves her food, she eats very healthily and always fits her Pilates or rock climbing in her busy schedule. 

Want to lean out your body like Emma and find a form of exercise that is friendly on the joints but still yields results? Call Premium Pilates Studio today on 0402 680 724, visit us online by clicking HERE or email us at 

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