Monday, 2 January 2017


Now that 2017 has begun, the healthy new years' resolutions come out in waves. Everyone wants to 'get fitter', 'lose weight', 'tone up', 'eat better' and 'become more healthy'. Whilst these are admirable goals the most achievable resolution I find is this: 'become more aware of your food habits and change them'. The vast majority of us (myself included) add weight to our bodies through such subtle habits that we are not even remotely aware of it! Here's some eating habits to break in 2017 or 'New Year Tweaks' as I like to call them so that you have a better chance of achieving your resolution/s:

1. You are always on social media 

If you are constantly checking your Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat (and whatever else there is out there) this could be assisting in weight gain. As one nutritionist says '...Anyone who's spending a lot of time on social media is likely to be less active and online connections, even for those who have a lot of online friends, are much less satisfying and fulfilling than real human contact. This could increase the tendency to comfort eat, to boost levels of 'feel-good' chemicals such as serotonin that are lacking as a consequence.' So back away from the screen and enter the real world, where you have real relationships and real connections. When we feel more fulfilled in our relationships we are less likely to comfort eat. 

2. You don't consume any probiotics 

Both good and bad bacteria can be found in our guts. This bacteria is fundamental for many essential body functions, such as fat reduction and the regulation of our metabolism. When we drink lots of alcohol, become stressed, consume a large amount of sugar and/or take antibiotics, our good gut bacteria can become damaged and our bad gut bacteria can multiply. To keep our stomach bacteria balanced and to do all we can to have a healthy gut, we need to feed the good bacteria and reduce the bad bacteria. Eating food that has probiotics in it, such as fermented foods including yogurt, sauerkruat, apple cider vinegar, kombucha tea and kefir, can greatly assist in balancing our gut bacteria which in turn keeps our body functions working effectively and efficiently. Alternatively, you can use a probiotic supplement. 

3. You avoid fat

Gone are the days when 'low-fat' labelled products should be bought. There is a 'right' kind of fat that is needed for our bodies to obtain essential omega 3 and 6 fats. These fats include but are not limited to: oily fish, eggs, avocados, nuts, seeds and seed oils. These good fats will leave you feeling full for longer and will provide your body with much needed nutrients. 

4. When hungry, always drink water first 

Often our body plays tricks on us; we think we are hungry when in fact we are just thirsty. Have a big sip or two of water when you feel a little hunger craving coming along, then wait at least 15 minutes. If you are still hungry, go ahead and eat, however you will often find that the hungry feeling has disappeared. 

5. Get as much sleep as you can 

This one can be difficult for mums, dads, people with demanding jobs, people who cannot turn their brains off....basically almost everyone! It is such an important point however, as a lack of sleep can cause us to consume an extra 300-400 calories the following day. What is even worse is that sleep deprived people often reach for sugary and starchy snacks to keep their energy levels up. Just one extra hour of sleep a night can increase leptin, which is a hormone that subdues appetite. 

6. Count your juice or smoothie in your daily fruit count 

So many of us love our summery fruit, as theres so much to choose from. However, sugar is sugar, no matter what form it comes in. If you are consuming a juice or smoothie made with more than one serving of fruit (a serving is around 150g), you have reached your recommended level of 2-3 servings of fruit a day. Focus instead on eating vegetables as a snack instead of fruit, as they contain no or very little sugar. I used to love fruit and couldn't figure out why I was gaining weight over summer. I often ate up to eight servings of fruit a day! Now that I have lowered my fruit intake to just two servings of fruit a day either in my daily smoothie or in consuming two pieces of fruit, I don't see this weight gain anymore and I feel less spikes of high and low energy levels. 

7. Use small plates

Several months ago my husband and I took a good long look at our portion sizes and realised how big they were. We vowed to minimise them by serving our meals in much smaller plates and bowls. This has made a huge difference; we feel lighter after a meal but still satisfied. In addition we have both dropped a little bit of extra weight and we eat slower. So ditch those big plates! With a smaller plate you may not even notice that you are eating 1/4-1/3 less. 

8. Detox your pantry and fridge often 

Ever heard that line; 'out of sight, out of mind'? If there is no unhealthy food in your pantry or fridge, you won't be able to eat junk food. This is so simple but can be a big downfall for many people. If you are unable to have junk food in your house without binging on it, don't buy it! Or if you do buy it, do a regular 'detox' of your kitchen to remove the junk food. Perhaps you can crack open that big bag of chips or that block of chocolate when you have lots of people over or alternatively give it away or throw it out. If you love sugar, stock your kitchen with homemade bliss balls. If you love savoury snacks, stock your kitchen with homemade dip and crudities. 

Last but not least, find an exercise regime that you enjoy!! If you don't enjoy the type of workout you are doing you have no hope in the world of sticking to it. At Premium Pilates & Fitness we offer a range of different classes and something for everyone. Visit us online at, email us at or call us on 0402 680 724 today to start your New Year off with a bang!!! 

Please note that these are general tips that have helped myself with healthy eating. 
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