Wednesday, 22 February 2017


American comedian Chelsea Handler loves Pilates so much that she practises it everywhere she can, even on the beach! The 41 year old has started to look after herself in recent years, resulting in a healthier, slim body and a better outlook on life. 

Handler recently shared with Shape magazine, “It took me a long time to deprogram myself, to get rid of my unhealthy weight loss diet plans and flaky commitment to any kind of fitness exercise program.” When Chelsea decided it was time to get healthy, Pilates was there for her. 

“I can honestly say [Pilates] changed my body – and my life...I’m longer and leaner and much more graceful.” Handler says that she prefers doing Pilates than yoga or going to the gym, which she does as well. The toned comedian also has a personal trainer, who pushes her with sprint training. Chelsea feels that Pilates is a great low impact form of gentle exercise that gives her results without putting strain on her joints. 

In addition to exercise, Chelsea completely overhauled her eating several years ago. Handler admits that for years she did not how to eat healthy. Nowadays, she avoids fast food and processed food and sticks to a very simple, whole foods eating plan. Except for her one vice: alcohol. Chelsea reveals that she told her nutritionist she was not willing to cut out alcohol from her diet, so they both compromised. "He (her nutritionist) explained that calorie-wise, vodka isn’t so bad, as long as you drink it with soda so knowing I could still have a drink made it easier to stick to my weight loss program.” Good to know that not everything one loves has to be cut out to stay healthy! 

Want to slim down and tone up like Chelsea Handler without giving up all your vices? Come try Premium Pilates & Fitness, where we have a class for you! (and for burning off your alcohol!). Call 0402 680 724, book online by clicking HERE or by downloading our App from the iTunes store or by emailing OR if you live elsewhere, click HERE to try our online classes! 

x Premium Pilates & Fitness 

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