Sunday, 29 November 2015


This frittata was inspired from a quiche recipe I found in a Weight Watchers book a few weeks ago. I am a big fan of tofu and am making a big effort to add it to more dishes for added protein. Even my meat-loving husband loved this frittata! Which sadly meant less for me. A delicious, simple and filling vegetarian meal. 


  • extra virgin olive oil 
  • 450g pumpkin, peeled, seeded and cut into small even pieces
  • 1 medium head of broccoli, cut into small florets and stalk chopped
  • 1/2 cup fresh shallots, finely chopped
  • 1/2 cup fresh basil, finely chopped
  • 1/2 cup fresh parsley, finely chopped
  • 6 eggs, preferably free range, whisked 
  • 300g firm tofu, roughly chopped
  • 1/2 cup reduced-fat cows milk (or if dairy intolerant or allergic, substitute for lactose-free, soy or unsweetened almond milk). 
  • 1/4 cup grated light / reduced-fat cheese
  • ground black pepper 


1. Preheat a fan-forced oven to 180 degrees celsius or 200 degrees for a non fan-forced oven. Lightly grease a circular cake mould with olive oil. 

2. Bring a medium saucepan filled halfway with water to the boil, covered. Use this time to cut the pumpkin and broccoli. Once the water has boiled add the pumpkin and cook for seven minutes, then add the broccoli and cook for 1-2 minutes or until bright green. Remove from heat and drain the pumpkin and broccoli in a colander under cold water. 

3. Meanwhile, cut up all the herbs. Combine the whisked eggs, tofu, milk, herbs, cheese and a generous pinch of pepper in a large bowl. Add the cooked vegetables and stir well to combine all ingredients. 

4. Pour the egg mixture into the prepared mould and bake in the oven for around 30 minutes or until the egg is almost set and the top of the frittata is lightly golden. Remove from heat and leave to cool before cutting into slices. Serve with extra herbs on top, if desired.

Serves / 
Total Preparation & Cooking time / 50 minutes 

Monday, 23 November 2015


Muffin-tops be gone with these two Pilates exercises to slim down your sides! Double Leg Lift & Side Bend target and isolate the waist like no other exercises can! Have a read through the instructions for both exercises and watch the video to make sure that your movements look similar and that your technique is spot-on. These exercises must be performed at least once a week or three to four times a week for best results. Enjoy this complimentary Premium Pilates Home Workout! 

1. Double Leg Lift 

Lying on one side, bottom arm and legs outstretched and in one long straight line, hips stacked one on top of each other, ear rests on bottom bicep. Neutral spine, legs squeezed together, toes pointed, top hand rests lightly on ground in front of chest or rests on your top thigh to challenge your stability. Try to have a small gap or the illusion of a small gap between the underneath side of your waist and the mat by lengthening your side and thinking of drawing your hip bones towards each other. 

The Move: 
Inhale through the nose to prepare, drawing in the deep abs. Exhale through the mouth, squeezing the bottom rib on the top side of the waist towards the top hip and lifting the legs off the floor, losing the gap we spoke about above. Only lift the legs as high as you can without rolling the top hip backwards. Inhale to lower the legs with control. To make harder, lift your head as you lift the legs, keeping the chin tucked in. Either keep the front hand on the ground or reach it down your top thigh for an extra challenge. 

How many: 20 reps 

Focus on: 

-  Using the top side of the waist and the deep abs to lift the legs, instead of using the legs or lower back  
- Really squeezing the legs together; imagine that they are glued together (like a mermaid!)
- Keeping the shoulders and the neck relaxed and not working 


1. After 20 reps hold the legs in the air and keep the squeeze on the waist as you lift and lower the top leg 15 times, keeping the height of the bottom leg and the hips still. 
2. After completing challenge number 1, squeeze both legs together in the air and lower and lift the bottom leg 15 times, keeping the height of the top leg and the hips still. 
3. After completing challenge number 2, squeeze both legs together in the air and use the top side of the waist to pulse both legs up and down 15 times. Try to pulse at the top range and do not let the legs touch the floor. 

2. Side Bend 

Sit on one hip, placing one hand two hands distance away from this hip. Bottom knee is bent just shy of 90 degrees and the knee is slightly in front of the body. Top leg is also bent just shy of 90 degrees and the top foot rests in front of the bottom ankle. Top knee points up to the ceiling, hips point straight ahead, shoulders down & back, neck relaxed, chin tucked. Think of lifting up the underneath side of the waist, lifting up and out of the wrist and hand on the ground. Other arm reaches out in front of the bottom hip. 

The Move: 
Inhale through the nose to prepare, drawing in the deep abs. Exhale through the mouth, squeezing the underneath side of the waist and pressing into the top foot to extend the legs and lift up into the side bend, reaching the arm up to the ceiling or over your head (like in the 2nd photo below) for a challenge. Inhale to slowly lower back into the start position with control. 

How many: 10 reps 

Focus on: 

-  Using the top side of the waist and the deep abs to lift the body into the bend
- Lifting up the underneath side of the waist before you side bend every time. Think of lifting up and out of the wrist and hand on the ground. 
- Really squeezing the legs together as you extend the legs
- Keeping the shoulders and the neck relaxed


1. Do not lower the hip back down to the ground between side bends; instead hover the bottom hip just slightly above the ground each time.
2. After you have completed 10 side bends hold up in the side bend and 'Thread the Needle'; reach the top arm up the ceiling, reaching through the fingers. Inhale to 'thread' this arm underneath the waist,  arm bends. Exhale to reach the arm back up towards the ceiling, fingers long and arm straight. Try to keep the hips as still as you can. 

Remember that all things are difficult before they are stick with these side exercises and they will get easier every time you do them! Let us know how you go! 

x the PPS team 

Sunday, 22 November 2015


This deliciously quick pesto pasta recipe is sadly not one of my own, however I have adjusted it slightly to make it healthier! My favourite cooking magazine, Feast, published this recipe in its March 2015 edition. Unfortunately, the magazine is no longer in business. I was devastated to hear of this, as I learnt so much of what I know about cooking through pouring over my monthly Feast fix. Over the 30 editions of the magazine in my possession, the eating traditions and recipes of almost every single culture of the world was brought to light. I intend to treasure this incredible magazine through replicating its diverse recipes every so often on my blog. Thankyou for all you taught me Feast magazine, you truly instilled in me a deep love and respect for good food. 

  • 400g gluten-free pasta (any type of pasta, however spaghetti works well)
  • 60g almonds, roughly chopped
  • 400g tomatoes, roughly chopped
  • 1 cup densely packed basil, roughly chopped
  • 50g reduced-fat feta
  • 1/2 cup fresh parsley or chives (chives must be roughly chopped)
  • 2 garlic cloves, roughly chopped
  • 1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil


1. Bring a large saucepan of boiling and lightly salted water to the boil. Once boiled add the pasta and cook until pasta is to your liking. Drain pasta in a colander over cold running water, keeping 1/2 cup of the cooking liquid. 

2. Meanwhile, put all the remaining ingredients in a food processor and process until the ingredients make a textured paste. 

3. Return the pasta to the saucepan over low heat and pour in the reserved cooking liquid. Add the paste and stir well to combine. Season with ground black pepper and serve with extra basil leaves, if desired. 

Serves / 
Total Preparation time / 10 minutes 
Total Cooking time / 15 minutes 

Sunday, 8 November 2015


Below are five simple abdominal exercises to get your abs ready for the beach! These exercises must be performed at least once a week or daily for best results. Unroll your mat and have a go! Have a read through each exercise and watch the video to make sure that your movements look similar and that your technique is spot-on as you need to do each exercise correctly to achieve results! Enjoy this complimentary Premium Pilates Home Workout! 

1. Abdominal Curl 

Setup: Spine imprinted (pubic bone slightly tucked up towards the belly whilst the bottom stays on the floor as the spinal vertebrae 'imprints' itself gently down into the mat), legs in tabletop, legs squeezed together. Hands interlaced behind head, head heavy in hands, chin tucked and neck long. 

The Move: Inhale through the nose to prepare, tightening the core. Exhale through the mouth, using the abs to curl the head, neck and shoulders off the mat, keeping the bottom of the shoulder blades on the mat. Inhale to lower down with control, exhale repeat.

How many: 15 - 20 reps 

Focus on: 
-  the elbows staying wide.
- the chin tucks in, eye gaze is at your thighs.
- curling the ribs towards the hips, really using the abs, not the neck to curl.
- legs stay squeezed together, working the inner thighs. 

1. Extend the legs up to the ceiling or out at a 45 degree angle for more of a challenge (this is shown in the 3rd photo). 
2. Hold the curl for an extra breath, that is, exhale curl up, inhale hold, exhale curl up a little bit more and inhale to lower. 

2. Reverse Curl 

Setup: Spine imprinted (pubic bone slightly tucked up towards the belly whilst the bottom stays on the floor as the spinal vertebrae 'imprints' itself gently down into the mat), legs in tabletop, legs squeezed together. Arms by the side or on your stomach, chin tucked and neck long. 

The Move: Inhale through the nose to prepare, deepening the core. Exhale through the mouth, posteriorly tucking the pelvis up towards the belly; that is, using the deep abs to lightly lift the bottom off the mat. Inhale to lower the bottom back down, exhale to repeat. 

How many: 10 - 15 reps. 

Focus on: 
- Using the abs to tuck the pelvis, not the legs.
- Using the exhale to really scoop the abs and draw the knees towards the chest. 
- Not relying on momentum to perform the exercise. The curls should be very small and controlled, no jerky movements. 
- Legs stay squeezed together, working the inner thighs.

Extend the legs up to the ceiling, keeping the legs squeezed together and perform the same movement with straight legs. 

3. Toe Taps 

Setup: Spine imprinted (pubic bone slightly tucked up towards the belly whilst the bottom stays on the floor as the spinal vertebrae 'imprints' itself gently down into the mat), legs in tabletop, legs squeezed together. Arms by the side or on your stomach, chin tucked and neck long. 

The Move: Inhale through the nose to prepare, scooping the belly. Exhale through the mouth as you lower 1 foot towards the floor, keeping the leg bent. Aim to take the toes as low as you can towards the floor, almost or actually 'tapping' the floor with the toes, without feeling any pain in the lower back. Aim to keep the spine as imprinted as you can. Inhale to return the leg to tabletop, exhale to repeat on the other side. 

How many: 20 single, 10 on each leg or 15 double leg - see 3rd photo.

Focus on: 
- Drawing the abs in with every exhale, as your spine will want to arch as you tap the foot down
- Keeping the shoulders relaxed, shoulder blades on the floor, neck long, head stays down.
- Using the abs, not the legs, to lower the foot.

1. Tap both feet towards the ground in a double leg tap - see 3rd photo. 
2. Tap the feet further away from the bottom. 

4. Bicycle Legs 

Setup: Spine imprinted (pubic bone slightly tucked up towards the belly whilst the bottom stays on the floor as the spinal vertebrae 'imprints' itself gently down into the mat), legs in tabletop, legs squeezed together. Arms by the side or on your stomach, chin tucked and neck long. 

The Move: Inhale through the nose to prepare, drawing the navel to the spine. Exhale through the mouth as you curl the head, neck and shoulders off the mat, reaching the fingers towards the feet. Inhale hold, deepening the abs. Exhale to extend one leg out long, pointing through the toes, keeping the other leg in tabletop. Inhale both legs meet in tabletop, exhale to extend the alternate leg. 

How many: 30 single, 15 on each leg.

Focus on: 
- Using the abs to hold your body in the curl: NB: if the neck becomes tired, place 1 or 2 hands behind it (like in abdominal curl above) or place the head back on the floor and continue the exercise. 
- Using the abs, not the legs, to extend each leg. 
- Keeping the head, neck and shoulders relaxed.
- Keep the hips completely still. 

1. Extend the leg out lower, without arching the lower back.
2. Swap the legs faster, without losing control.

5. Beats

Setup: Spine imprinted (pubic bone slightly tucked up towards the belly whilst the bottom stays on the floor as the spinal vertebrae 'imprints' itself gently down into the mat), legs in tabletop, legs squeezed together. Arms by the side or on your stomach, chin tucked and neck long. 

The Move: Inhale through the nose to prepare, drawing the navel to the spine. Exhale through the mouth as you curl the head, neck and shoulders off the mat, reaching the fingers towards the feet. Inhale to open the feet to around hip distance apart or slightly wider, exhale to use the abs to bring the heels together to touch / beat. Continue. 

How many: 3 sets of 10 - 15 beats. After each set lower back into tabletop and lower your head for a quick rest. If you do not need a rest, try to do the 30-45 beats without stopping! 

Focus on: 
- Using the abs to hold your body in the curl: NB: if the neck becomes tired, place 1 or 2 hands behind it (like in abdominal curl above) or place the head back on the floor and continue the exercise. 
- Using the abs, not the legs, to beat the heels together.
- Keeping the head, neck and shoulders relaxed.
- Think of drawing the hip bones towards each other as you bring the heels together to touch.

1. See under the 'How Many' category for one harder modification. 
2. Open the legs wider as your inhale, without moving the hips, arching the lower back or losing the core connection. 
3. Take the legs lower, such as a 45 degree angle. 

x The PPS team! 

Wednesday, 4 November 2015


I love fresh, bright and quick to prepare meals, hence this Sushi Salad Bowl is a favourite of mine. Having tried my hand at making sushi before, this is a much quicker and less painstaking process which tastes like the inside of my ideal sushi roll. You can play with the ingredients and add lemon, daikon, salmon, toasted seaweed, coriander etc or remove any ingredients below that you do not like/have on hand. I like to opt for a very simple, easy bowl. 


  • 1 cup brown rice 
  • 2 tablespoons rice wine vinegar 
  • 1 tablespoon rice bran oil / sesame oil 
  • 2 green shallots, finely chopped, plus extra to serve 
  • Optional - 15cm stick fresh lemongrass, finely chopped
  • 3cm piece fresh ginger, finely grated
  • 300g free range chicken breast, cut into 3cm even pieces 
  • 150g green beans, cut into 2cm pieces 
  • 150g red cabbage or wombok or a mixture of bowl, shredded 
  • 1 medium carrot, finely grated
  • 1 Lebanese cucumber or 1/2 continental cucumber, diced 
  • 1 ripe avocado, sliced 
  • 4 teaspoons white /black or a mixture of both (1 teaspoon for each serving) 

  • the juice of 1 medium lime 
  • 1 tablespoon rice wine vinegar
  • 2 tablespoons soy sauce 


1. Place rice and 2 1/2 cups water in a medium saucepan and bring to the boil over medium-high heat. Reduce to a simmer and cover for around 12-15 minutes or until all water is absorbed and the rice is cooked. Remove from heat and add the rice wine vinegar, then fluff the rice with a fork to stir it in. 

2. Meanwhile, heat oil in a medium frying pan over medium heat. Add the shallots, lemongrass (if using) and ginger and stir for 2 minutes, taking care not to burn the ingredients. Then add the chicken pieces and cook, stirring often for approximately 4-5minutes or until the chicken is cooked. 

3. Remove the chicken with the shallots, lemongrass and ginger from the pan and now add the beans and cabbage. Stir for around 3 minutes or until beans are slightly tender. 

4. Pour the dressing ingredients in a small bowl or mug along with 2 tablespoons water and stir well. 

5. Distribute the rice, carrot, cucumber, avocado, chicken and beans & cabbage into four bowls. Sprinkle 1 teaspoon sesame seeds over each bowl and drizzle dressing over the top and serve. 

Serves / 4 
Total Preparation time / 15 minutes 
Total Cooking time / maximum 25 minutes 

Tuesday, 3 November 2015


Actress Allison Williams, or perhaps more commonly known as Marnie Michaels on the hit TV show Girls, has revealed a different side of herself in the December / January 2016 Harper's Bazaar cover (see skipping photo just above). The toned star shows off her very fit physique and washboard abs as she skips around the shoot! Williams says that this magazine piece is especially significant to her, as she has never bared her body and in particular her stomach, until now. Allison reveals her secret to her insanely toned abs is none other than regular Pilates workouts! 

Williams shared a photo of her skipping with her trim abs on display (see above) with the caption: "I am particularly proud of this one (this photo). For my whole life until 2 years ago, I was super self-conscious about my stomach. I dreaded bikini season. I kept it covered. Boyfriends weren't allowed to touch it. No amount of crunches seemed to strengthen it."

What changed 2 years ago was that she discovered Pilates. Allison's Instagram caption continued: "Then I met Ilaria Cavagna who introduced me to the magic and focus of Pilates. I have never felt stronger, healthier, more focused, or more feminine. Now, I love my stomach because it keeps me grounded to my core. And it's still the same stomach! Here's to proving yourself wrong."

Williams is one of many celebrities that have been raving about this exercise regime as of late. The taut star reveals that in addition to Equipment Pilates (see above as she swings from a Pilates machine called the Cadillac) she also loves 'Core Fusion', which "mixes together Pilates and barre method. It’s really hard and kicks my butt". Allison also gets her cardio hit from doing SoulCycle, which she describes as " basically a dance party on a bicycle, and you burn calories and it’s so fun." She admits that she is not a fan of running as "...I have terrible knees and get bored on the elliptical (treadmill)."

Healthy eating is vital to maintaining Allison's svelte figure as well (sorry guys, Pilates won't take care of it all!). Williams says that the Girls set is always stocked with unhealthy junk food, however she avoids temptation by being prepared and carrying healthy snacks with her at all times. The actress eats lots of fruit, veges and lean protein but says that she cannot give up peanut butter, pretzels and diet coke! We like to hear that even celebrities can't deny their junk food cravings sometimes!

Having trouble finding a form of exercise that tones your abs? Want to get into a bikini by summer? Call Premium Pilates Studio today on 0402 680 724, visit us online at or email us at and start reaping the benefits of this amazing form of exercise! 

x the PPS team,,,

Monday, 2 November 2015


I love it when male celebrities speak up about doing Pilates and the benefits they see with this amazing form of exercise, as it often encourages other men to give Pilates a go! Heartthrob and One Direction star Harry Styles is a big fan of Pilates and has been attending classes regularly since early 2012. 
In February 2012 a then 18-year-old Styles was ordered by his record label to improve his posture, as his back was giving him grief. “I have bad posture and have been told to take Pilates classes once a week," Harry was quoted as saying. It appears that Harry must enjoy this form of exercise and must be seeing results, as he is still doing Pilates almost four years later! 
The now 21-year-old's bandmates say that Styles is into "protein and Pilates" as well as meditation, boxing and running. Harry also swears by 'bullet coffee' to control his hunger pangs, which we do not recommend, by the way! What is bullet coffee, you ask? The trim star told The Sunday Times Style magazine recently: "It’s black coffee with a spoonful of butter in it and a spoonful of coconut oil, all mixed up together. I’ve been on it for two days. You don’t get hungry." I think we will just stick to Pilates and healthy eating! 
Are you a male and finding that your current exercise regime is not providing you with the results that you want? Try Pilates! At Premium Pilates Studio we offer Equipment, Floor, Barre and Stretch classes. Call us today on 0402 680 724, email us at or visit us online at

x PPS team 

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